Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Brand-New Granddaughter 24 hours old


Amy said...

Oh how sweet. You must be so proud. Congratulations!

tx sweetie said...

OMG! She's soo looking pretty.I like newborns.I missed newborns.My baby is now 4-month old and wishing she'll still smell like newborn but hmmm no..

Check out mine too please.
4-month old hands

Anonymous said...

Awwww, Terri. I do believe if she had teeth she'd look just like Nana! She is beautiful!

Again, congratulations!

There's nothing on this side of Heaven more precious than grands!

Bethany said...

Congratulations on the beautiful granddaughter!!

Happy WW!

ohhollyf said...

Congrats, NANA.

Maya said...

Wow, very cute angel.Congrats, Nana.
Happy WW!

Starla said...

She is so cute!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love that sweet dimple in her chin!

She is very lovely, but then you know that doncha?

Diana said...

How adorable! Congratulations!

Alesha said...

Aw, Terri!

She is lovely!

I pray you get to see her in person very soon!


Diane Cardot said...

Congratulations on your new granddaughter! She is beautiful!

Rhonda Gales said...

Congratulations on your new granddaughter! I'm a new grandmother too, so I know how excited you are. Keep the pictures coming, lol.