Tuesday, June 20, 2006


There is nothing more annoying to me than to go to the doctor, have him confirm what I thought was wrong and send me home to "get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids." And I paid how much for that advice?

However, the past few days, I've turned the question over and over in my mind—"Should I go to the doctor now or wait it out?" I've had a fever off and on since Saturday. Since Sunday, its been pretty much on rather than off. Last night I was miserable. I kept waiting and trying to listen to my body and decide. I have fibromyalgia and I thought it might be that, but I've decided I have an infection somewhere in my abdomen. Lots of green tea, some immune boosters and good ol' ibuprofen for the pain and I think I'm going to live.

I'm glad I waited. I'm not mad at the doctor and my checkbook thanks me.


Cherish the Home said...

I hope you're feeling better soon!

Tori Leslie said...

Sure hope your over it Terri. It's definantly no fun being sick, specially when your Mom. :o)